Commercial Services

Commercial and Industrial Service

over 40 years experience

 Sala Air Conditioning provides all the heating, air conditioning, ventilation needs for large commerial and industrial buildings. We repair, service, maintain, and install large rooftop package units, chillers, boilers, split-systems, evaporative coolers and water towers (servicing all makes and models).  We also repair and test controls, which are scheduled to regulate the air temperature in separate building zones.

 We have installed and serviced Air-Cooled, Water Cooled, Screw and Centrifical Chillers for over 40 years. Our Techinicians are specialty trained on several brands. We service all chillers, every make and model.

 We have installed and serviced Boilers for over 40 years. Our Techinicians are specialty trained on several brands. We service all boilers, every make and model.

 We have installed and serviced Cooling Towers for over 40 years. Our Techinicians are specialty trained on several brands. We service all cooling towers, every make and model.

 We have installed and serviced Pumps for over 40 years. Our Techinicians are specialty trained on several brands. We service, re-build, and install all makes and models.

 We have installed and serviced Air-Cooled, Water Cooled, Screw and Centrifical Chillers for over 40 years. Our Techinicians are specialty trained on several brands. We service all chillers, every make and model.

Large Dehumidifer Units

 We have installed and serviced Dehumidifiers for over 40 years. Our Techinicians are specialty trained on several brands. We service and install all makes and models.

Commercial/Industrial Service

Sala & Associates, Inc. dba Sala Air Conditioning 4530 Mint Way, Dallas, Texas 75236

Phone: 214-742-7252

Fax: 214-749-8363


Contact:     Shaun Hartley

Commercial/Industrial Sales

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 214-742-7252

Fax: 214-749-8363

Contact:     Jason Sala

Commercial/Industrial Sales

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 214-742-7252

Fax: 214-749-8363


Contact:     Jon Sala

Commercial/Industrial Sales

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 214-742-7252

Fax: 214-749-8363

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